Eleka's Castle Goals
"Goal Games are themed after each virtual world in Marada. At every level you have a new goal to complete related to eleka's Castle. Each level gets harder to complete but you will receive a prize for completing each level. Unlike quest and mission games, you have unlimited amount of time to complete each goal level and you can only complete them once.
New levels will always be added to the Goals in each world. Prizes include rare items only avaliable from goals, MP, BP, RP, Dukka Coins, Account Upgrade Credit and stats for your pets."
Level 1. Play Eleka's Tombola
Prize: Chocolate Eleka
Level 2: Use the Eleka Fountain
Prize: 1,000MP

Level 3: Own a Voodoo Pet
Prize: 2,000MP

Level 4: Restock an item from the Cooking Ingredients Shop
Prize: Voodoo Cookie
Level 5: Own a dark coloured pet
Prize: Elekas Castle Shirt

Level 6: Feed one of your pets a cooking ingredient
Prize: 2,500MP

Level 7: Restock an item from the Voodoo Dolls Shop
Prize: Elekas Castle Gumball

Level 8: Complete level 3 or higher of the Fates Mission
Prize: 5,000MP

Level 9: Feed one of your pets a poison potato
Prize: Elekas Castle Potato

Level 10: Own an Eleka Coloured Pet
Prize: 7,500MP

Level 11: Complete level 5 or higher at the Fates Mission
Prize: Jar of Eleka Castle Water

Level 12: Save a minipet from Eleka's Prision
Prize: Eleka Teeth

Level 13: Win an Eleka Tombola Book at the Eleka Tombola
Prize: Eleka Gonk Plushie

Level 14: Complete level 7 or higher at the Fates Mission
Prize: Elekas Castle Pearl
Level 15: Own any gothic coloured pet
Prize: Voodoo Book
Level 16: Gain a magic stat at Eleka's Fountain
Prize: 10,000MP

Level 17: Complete level 10 or higher at Fates Mission
Prize: 20,000MP

Level 18: Win an Eleka Tombola Stamp from Eleka Tombola
Prize: "History of Queen Eleka"

Level 19: Have one of your pets listen to "Poisonous Tunes".
Prize: Horned Shield

Level 20: Complete level 13 or higher of the Fates mission.
Prize: 30,000MP

Level 21: Read "Book of Fate" and then view the pets book list.
Prize: Spiked Axe

Level 22: Buy a Knutt Poison from the poison shop.
Prize: Shilpy + Shilpy Avatar
Prize: 30,000MP

Level 21: Read "Book of Fate" and then view the pets book list.
Prize: Spiked Axe

Level 22: Buy a Knutt Poison from the poison shop.
Prize: Shilpy + Shilpy Avatar

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