After centuries of planet Enpiah's exsistence being unknown, spoilt Ublish, who is facinated with astronomy, now believes that he is Emporer of Enpiah. He is extremely powerful and his space mission is to own the whole of the universe. He has already taken control of the Huthiq population, and has restricted the pets from being created. Only Ublish can create them with his potions.
Ublish needs your help. He believes that if he can get everyone in Marada to find 30 constellations of stars for him, he will get closer and closer to his goal. He has 30 different missions for you, each harder than the last. If you fail to bring any of the stars, you will have to start again.
Click here to visit Ublish.
Level 1: Dehydrated Water (1 constellation)

Level 2: 100MP (1 constellation)

Level 3: Ublish Shirt (1 constellation)

Level 4: 250MP (1 constellation)

Level 5: Random Potion (1 constellation)

Level 6: 500MP (2 constellations)

Level 7: 600MP (2 constellations)

Level 8: Huthiq Book (2 constellations)

Level 9: 750MP (2 constellations)

Level 10: 850MP (2 constellations)

Level 11: 1,000MP (2 constellations)

Level 12: Ublish DVD (2 constellations)

Level 13: 1,500MP (2 constellations)

Level 14: 2,000MP (2 constellations)

Level 15: 5,000MP (2 constellations)

Level 16: 7,500MP (3 constellations)

Level 17: DNA Shield (3 constellations)

Level 18: 10,000MP (3 constellations)

Level 19: 25,000MP (3 constellations)

Level 20: 50,000MP (3 constellations)

Level 21: Ublish Plushie (3 constellations)

Level 22: 75,000MP (3 constellations)

Level 23: 100,000MP (3 constellations)

Level 24: Furry Costume + Furry Costume (3 constellations)

Level 25: 150,000MP (3 constellations)

Level 26: 250,000MP (3 constellations)

Level 27: Spear of Ublish (3 constellations)

Level 28: 350,000MP (3 constellations)

Level 29: Xor Trading Card (3 constellations)

Level 30: Huthiq Potion + 500,000MP + Ublish Avatar (3 constellations)

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